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  • Please use the member menu directly above, main navigation banner, quick links to upper right, and upcoming events to the immediate right to navigate VetFedConnectTM
  • We strongly encourage you to visit the following:
    • Charlie Mike & Training Events - Timely Veteran-focused training to become and remain a Business & Procurement Ready SD/VOSB.
    • Subscribe to the NVSBC YouTube Channel to view ALL Charlie Mike Trainings for everyone in your organization.
    • Engagement & Networking Events – Join NVSBC at one or more of our Engagement & Networking Events in our 10 GovCon communities! Attending our events will expose you to opportunities that will help expand your network and help you build new business.
    • Resources - Access monthly updates, news, solicitations - First Call Newsletters, Strategy & Legislative Updates
    • Opportunities - Regularly review to check if you meet the specific needs of a federal buyer or potential partner.
    • NVSBC MEMBERS ONLY: Corporate Partner Deals - Take advantage of exclusive benefits from NVSBC Members organizations.
    • Federal Procurement Events - Find non-NVSBC procurement events to support your business.
    • NVSBC MEMBERS ONLY: Directory (Under Quick Links) - Search the NVSBC member directory to find critical contacts to grow your business. Search by Company Name, Company State, Supplier Diversity Categories, NAICS Code, GWACs, Government Customers, and Individual (First, Last, State).
    • Forum - Connect with Veteran-owned businesses for opportunities, teaming, Q&A, and more