Guide to Getting Started
Get the most out of VetFedConnectTM by following these 6 steps.
- Add [email protected] to your contacts
- Why? This ensures that you are receiving our emails and that they are not going to spam.
- Click here for Gmail instructions
- Click here for Microsoft Outlook instructions
- Complete your company profile (Click here for a video tutorial)
- Why? This is by far the most important step to getting noticed by other businesses!
- Add your company employees to your company profile (Click here for a video tutorial)
- Why? Linking your employees as "Key Contacts" allows them to be ambassadors of your company and have access to all of the features within VetFedConnectTM (example: register/attend events, manage company profile, direct message other business, ask questions within the forum, find business opportunities, and more)
- Visit the Events page (Click here for a video tutorial)
- Why? Training, Networking, and Advocacy events are regularly available and allow you to expand your network and business knowledge.
- Visit the Directory
- Why? Did you meet someone at an event but only remembered their business name? Are you looking to partner with another business and are looking to search by specific NAICS codes, GWACS, Supplier Diversity Category, or Government Customers? Need to find a contact but only remember a small piece of information such as their State?
- Visit the Forum (**Coming Soon**)
- Why? Stay up to date on critical topics. Ask and answer questions that are critical to your business? We know Veterans want to support other Veterans so please participate.